Top 10 Warren Buffett Books & Resources
Posted: 21 May 2010 09:30 AM PDT
Warren Buffett has made a name as the most successful investor of the twentieth century. Over the past thirty-five years, Warren Buffett has emerged as arguably the greatest investor in American history. If you had invested Rs 10,000 in Berkshire Hathaway when he took control in 1965, your holding would be worth more than Rs. 50 million today. The second richest man in the world, Buffett still lives in the same house he bought three decades ago for $ 31,500. Using these books and resources you can now find out about his biography, investing techniques, and thoughts on business.
1. The Essays of Warren E. Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America
In this second-edition compilation, Professor Lawrence Cunningham arranges Warren Buffett's writings and comments based on topics such as dividend payout policy, goodwill, preferred stock, zero coupon bonds, executive pay, and acquisitions. An excellent resource for business owners, financial professionals, and lay investors alike. An excellent book for any exective's library.
2. Buffettology: The Previously Unexplained Investing Techniques of WB
In her book, Mary Buffett, former wife of Warren's son, Peter, discusses the investing techniques the Oracle of Omaha uses when selecting stocks and bonds. Includes interesting annecdotes and previously unknown material.
3. Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist
Roger Lowenstein's book, "Buffett: Making of an American Capitalist" is by far the most definitive and useful biography of Warren Buffett in print. The author researches and gives details concerning Buffett's childhood, college years, early investment partnership, and acquisition of Berkshire Hathaway. A must-read for anyone interested in value investing or Buffett himself.
4. How to Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett
Relatively short and easy to read, How to Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett is an excellent introduction to the world of value investing. The author, Timothy Vick, is a senior analyst at Arbor Capital Management. The book is relatively short and should provide a satisfying read.
5. How to Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett
After reading this book, the new to medium-level investor should be able to calculate return on equity, inventory and receivable turnover, and leverage ratios. A useful tool for those wanting to start learning to analyze financial statements.
6. The Warren Buffett CEO
Everyone knows Warren Buffett is a brilliant investor. Now, thanks to "The Warren Buffett CEO", readers can get a glimpse of his brilliance as a business manager. This book contains the biographies of the various executives of Berkshire Hathaway, all of whom have thrived under Buffett's "hands-off" management policy. Great for managers and entrepreneuers.
7. The World's Greatest Investment: 101 Reasons to Own Berkshire Hathaway
An investor who purchased $10,000 of Berkshire Hathaway stock when Warren Buffett took over, would have seen his shares climb in value to more than $51 million by the end of the 1990's. This book chronicles some of the things that have made Berkshire so successful, including a shareholder-oriented management, a diversified collection of fine businesses, and little or no debt.
8. Of Permanent Value: The Story of Warren Buffett, Updated and Expanded
For the true Buffett fanatic, this book offers never-before-heard anecdotes of Warren's life, investment partnership, and company, Berkshire Hathaway. It includes information on the Oracle's various investments, including writing stock options for Coca-Cola [an apparently uncharacteristic move]. An absolute must-have.
9. Warren Buffett Speaks
"You don't need to be a rocket scientist. Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with 130 IQ." - Warren Buffett. Janet Lowe uncovers the Buffett's wit and wisdom in this excellent collection of quips and comments such as the one above from the Oracle. An excellent book to have around.
10. Thoughts from Chairman Buffett